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/ History of the World / History of the World (Bureau Development, Inc.)(1992).BIN / dp / 0075 / 0075003.scf (.png) < prev    next >
ColoRIX  |  1992-08-06  |  125KB  |  640x480  |  8-bit (249 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | map | plant | sky
OCR: SWEDEN DENM BALTIC SEA NORTH Konigsbers Danva Brarmer BRI.T Amsterdar Berlir Vistw Warsnw Londor KINGDON Ma gdeburg OF NETHERLANDS ENGHJSH CHANNEI Prague LUX MORAVIA Paris WIRTTEMBENG N N Strashourg Munich THE UNIFICATION OF GERMANY RY 87 SWITZERLAND R0 Prussia 1815-1866 Annexed by Prussia 1866 bvon Trieste Inined German Prussia in forming 1867 the North KINGDOM SARDINIA Milan Venics Saya "Confeceratiom Joined Prussiato farm the German mpire OTTO MAN Aisace-L _orraine ceded to German Empire Ly Franc 1871 German Contederation 1815-1866 MALTY Danzo Amsterda ENCHJSH UNIFICAT CWMITZERI russia Germar France Otiman